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passion for the planet starts here

after school club courses


Marine Biology 101 (Primary School)

Age adapted for years 5 & 6, this course gives the basics to spark their interest and build their knowledge.


Marine Biology 101 (Secondary School)

For a more advanced dive into marine biology, this package has been developed specifically for KS3 and KS4.

home schooling resources

ecoasc: our goals


1. Species Knowledge

Building knowledge of different species is essential to understanding how amazing the natural world is.


It only takes one animal to lead to a life long obsession or career in ecology or conservation.



Our courses gives facts, pictures and activities that can help start children down this path.

our knowledge pathway


2. Ecological Awareness

Understanding that everything is connected is the bedrock of ecology. Within an ecosystem, if one species is impacted, they're all impacted.


Once the complexity is understood, it is easier to see the fragility of the planet's ecosystems.


Within our courses, we show how ecosystems work, and how complex they can be by explaining food webs, symbiosis and energy transfer.


3. Protecting the Planet

Protecting the planet is possibly the largest problem humankind has ever had to deal with.


From the rapid rate of extinctions to climate change, the problem is vast and difficult, so inspiring children to care about the planet they and all the other species live on is truly essential.


The concluding messages of all the different presentations try to answer the question 'how can we protect this?'. Vital knowledge for this next generation.

a massive thank you

this project would not be possible without incredible wildlife photographers

Image by Mike Doherty

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